
Pet grooming

9/28/2024 4:49:11 PM
12/28/2021 5:55:26 PM
Pet grooming

Pet haircut Dog and cat haircuts and pet haircuts In addition to reducing severe dog and cat hair loss and environmental cleaning problems, it also creates beauty and cleanliness for the animal. In addition, it prevents the dog from overheating in the summer, improves the health of the animal's skin and hair, and reduces the knotting of the dog's hair.

The first factor that affects the cost of pet grooming is the breed of the animal. Shitzu dog haircuts, Terrier dog haircuts, Spitz dog haircuts, Pomeranian dog haircuts, as well as some other dog breeds such as the Poodle breed need more care and skill because they are considered to be full-haired dogs. In such breeds, which will also need to trim the dog's facial hair, the dog's haircut needs more delicacy. Therefore, the dog breed also affects the price of dog haircuts. Persian cat haircuts can also be more expensive than cat breeds in other breeds.

Pet grooming is not just about cutting pet hair. The type of pet haircut affects the cost of pet grooming. Pet grooming and toothbrushing affect the cost of pet grooming. Be aware that the cost of breeding a pet will increase.


What is the importance of trimming a dog?
Before we teach you how to breed a dog at home, it's best to take a look at the importance of doing so.

Dog Hair Loss: To prevent pet-like hair loss throughout the house, you should comb your hair regularly. Remember, there are different types of dogs. Therefore, it is better not to use a poodle dog brush to comb the Husky dog's hair.
Tangling of dog body hair: In many cases, because many people do not have enough time to care for the animal, they neglect to regularly comb the dog's hair. This not only destroys the dog's physical beauty, but also makes it very difficult to bathe and comb his hair.
Keeping your dog cool in the summer: One of the most common reasons people think about shaving their dog at home is that they think the pet will probably get hot in the summer because of the hair it has! First of all, it is necessary to point out that this idea is completely wrong. Dog skin and hair act as a thermal insulator for this animal. Therefore, in summer and winter, respectively, it protects him from UV rays and cold. So, if the dog's haircut in the summer is just to keep him cool, it is better not to think about doing it at all.
Itching of the dog's body: Itching of the dog's body is another thing that makes people mainly think about trimming and trimming the dog's hair. But it should be noted that the reason for the itching of the dog's body is his skin problem. So, look for a skin allergy or irritant.



What is the price of pet makeup?
In estimating and presenting the price of pet grooming, the size, breed of the animal and the type of ancillary services or so-called animal grooming are decisive. It is also natural that the price of a dog haircut for a Shih Tzu, Terrier dog or Pomeranian dog varies according to the size and amount of hair, and even requires different precision and skills, and requires more finesse. or the price of cat haircuts If your cat is Persian, which has more hair than other breeds, or is a breed that has more easy to tie hair, it will cost more.


The type and breed of animal affects the price of pet makeup
Dog breeds are not only influential in determining the cost of haircuts, not only in terms of hair volume but also because of the difference in size. There is no doubt that the larger the dog, the more time it will take to trim and cut his hair, which means higher dog hairdressing costs. According to a customary law, a dog up to 8 kg small, up to 15 kg medium and more than 15 kg large is known, and for example, the price of a Yuki dog hairdresser will be different from a small decorative dog. In the case of cats, however, since adult cats are not significantly different in size from each other, their weight will not be a significant factor in estimating the price of cat haircuts and haircuts, and most of the same volume and type of hair is the price criterion.


Do not cut your dog's hair!
In the previous section, we introduced the reasons that make you think about breeding dogs at home. However, considering that the dog's hair indicates his health, in the following, we will introduce the cases that are too short side effects of dog hair.

Sunburn: When you remove the dog's hair, which is the protective layer of the skin, from the dog's body, directing sunlight to its skin is easily done and causes the sun to burn.
Infection and colds: As mentioned, this animal's hair acts similarly to a thermal insulator. Therefore, if you cut the dog's hair too much at home, you increase the risk of various diseases, especially in winter such as hypothermia or frostbite, infection chips and colds.
Skin irritation: When an animal's skin is in direct contact with air and dust, it is possible for its body to react and become sensitive to these contaminants.
Dog embarrassment: In many animals, when their hair is cut short, the animal experiences little stress and embarrassment. As a result, he is less likely to be overwhelmed by his day-to-day activities and to hide somewhere. So, if you encounter such situations for a few days after the dog is shaved, do not worry and only give your dog a chance to cope with the new situation and return to the previous state.





Breeding dogs at home
Now that you know the importance of dog haircuts at home and of course the reasons why you should not do this, it's time to learn how to cut dog haircuts at home. We recommend that you follow the instructions below only if you are patient and have experience using an animal weighing machine; Because otherwise you are very likely to harm not only the animal but also yourself.

To trim a dog at home, the first thing you need is a razor and a mower. Contrary to some people's beliefs, you should not wet your dog's hair when shaving. So, when her hair is completely dry, do it.

To start with a # 5F razor, start from the side of the neck to reach the animal's legs and tail (if you do not succeed with this razor number, you can use the # 7F # razor. However, in some cases, using the # 10F # razor is recommended. Of course, if you are careful not to cut the dog's skin and do not cut his hair too long).

Warning: Never use 4F #, 5F # or 7F # blades for areas such as the abdomen, buttocks and face and the inside of the dog's legs.

Do not think about bathing your dog at all until you have cut all the extra hair.

Note: It is up to an experienced and professional hairdresser to determine the best time to shave and trim the dog. Of course, determining how much of a dog's hair should also be cut is another matter that should be done by a specialist. Pet Stylist Pet Service and Hairdressing Complex is with you on this journey! We suggest that you do not do this yourself until you have to breed a dog at home; Because if you make a mistake in the process of doing this, it will have bad consequences for the animal.





Necessary care after dog haircut at home
Dogs that have recently had their hair cut need special care. Therefore, consider the following after shaving your dog at home:

Do not take the dog out for long walks. Especially on hot days!
Do not let the dog stay outside for long periods of time, such as playing in the yard.
If you take him out of the house, use special sunscreen for the animal's back. Otherwise, you can use her special clothes.
If you see red spots on the skin of this animal after a haircut, be sure to use a cream or lotion for these animals.
Note: Cutting the dog's skin causes itching. Therefore, in the days after trimming, do not allow your dog to steam the cut areas; Because doing so will only further irritate him.

Do not forget to comb your new hair regularly; Otherwise, the dog's hair will be tangled again and will cause problems for your animal and person!


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