
Dog carrying box

9/28/2024 8:48:18 PM
12/27/2021 12:03:23 AM
Dog carrying box

Carrying animals in cartons or blankets is risky because animals, especially cats, behave so fast when they are scared or excited that it is not possible for us to react quickly. Picnic baskets are also not a good choice because they do not have strong doors and sometimes animal nails get stuck in their seams and are damaged. It is very important to use a special pad when transporting equipment, because even cats sometimes lose their urine when they are excited or scared or the transfer time in the box is prolonged.

When transporting dogs in the car, it is necessary to follow the safety tips and use the carrying box or seat belts for animals, because sometimes dogs jump out of the car because of excitement or something they see, or when the car is severely bypassed. Unintentionally thrown out of the window.

photo gallery
 Dog box 1
 Dog box 2
 Dog box 3
Dog box 4