
How to get your dog used to the new house?

9/28/2024 6:54:10 PM
12/23/2021 11:09:23 AM
How to get your dog used to the new house?
How to get your dog used to the new house?

Keep rehearsing it until you can say it with conviction and confidence
All the changes related to the furniture are stressful in themselves, so do your best to keep some things the same as before. If it is possible for you to do some daily habits as before because this will help solve your dog's problem. If your dog used to wake up, go to the yard, eat breakfast and then go for a walk, try to do the same in your new home according to the previous pattern.

If you have to change part of your daily routine due to a new job or any other commitment, try to run the previous daily routine for at least a week or two, as far as you can. It can be easier to make more changes when your dog settles into your new location and gets used to the environment.


You do not need to buy new furniture for your pet right now
It is natural to want to buy new furniture for your new home. But for the sake of your dog, limit these demands to your own equipment and at least for a few weeks do not worry about changing his personal equipment, so that he can get used to the new environment. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either. But these give Segton a sense of familiarity and intimacy. So please do not throw them away.

If you really want to buy something new for your dog, you can give it a try by buying a few tasty toys or a delicious incentive. But for now, try to resist the temptation to replace personal items such as mattresses and water and food containers.


Love your dog as much as you can
Loving means paying attention, playing, walking, and just being together. That sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? Well, basically, these are the things that you usually do; There is only one problem!

The problem is that when moving, there is a lot of work to be done and a lot of things to be aware of.

This can cause you to underestimate the dog despite your inner desire or, for example, forget to go for a walk with him. Of course, you really do not want to do that, but the fatigue and stress of moving furniture makes anything possible. Instead, promise to give your pet time to get it out as soon as things get normal. This will help the dog to cope more easily with the new situation.



When he wants to go out, give him delicious treats, food and his favorite things.
Even dogs that have been left alone in the house for years without any problems may have problems after moving to a new home. Most dogs are sensitive to their surroundings and need to learn how to express themselves when they are alone in their new home. To do this, try not to leave the house as much as possible and do not leave your dog alone; Even if it means taking it with you everywhere for a few days and showing it around well. If you live with a family, you can take turns staying at home with your dog for the first few days so that he can gradually get used to the environment and then leave him alone. Also, when you want to leave her alone, do it first for a short time and then, over time, increase the time you are alone. In such cases, always leave the animal alone with things it likes, such as its favorite treats and foods, as well as safe toys.

If your dog has a special bed, blanket or box that is related to your previous home, it is better to leave these because it feels comfortable.


Sit on the floor with your dog and play
One of the things that helps dogs feel familiar and comfortable in new places is the familiar smells. You can leave your scent on the floor and carpets by playing, sitting and rolling on the floor of your new home. In addition, this in itself is a kind of time for the animal and reduces its stress.



Be patient
This is the simplest and clearest suggestion for all situations. At the same time, it is wise to be patient and allow the animal to get used to the environment over time. Some dogs get used to it after a few days, most of them take a few weeks and a few may take a few months to get used to the new environment. So be patient and know that no matter how long this process takes, it matters That's your patience can make this period more bearable and fleeting.

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