
What are the most harmful human foods for dogs?

9/28/2024 7:00:16 PM
12/23/2021 4:02:18 PM
What are the most harmful human foods for dogs?
What are the most harmful human foods for dogs?

Tips for feeding dogs


Did you know that many of the foods we eat can be harmful to our dogs?

Sometimes people do not pay attention to this issue and even tell their dogs about their food, unaware that this can seriously damage the health of their pet. We must remember that the digestive system of dogs is different from that of humans, and that these lovable animals digest food in a very different way than we do.

In this article, we review a list of the most harmful and dangerous human foods for dogs:



Potato Chips: This delicious and popular food is really dangerous for dogs because of its high salt content. Too much salt increases a dog's urine and thirst, and can sometimes lead to sodium poisoning. In addition, diarrhea, high blood pressure, vomiting and seizures are also symptoms that may be caused by eating chips in dogs.

Chicken or fish bones: It is true that dogs love bones, but eating chicken and fish bones can cause sores and injuries inside the dog's digestive tract. In this case, the only solution is to perform surgery and accept the risk and heavy cost. So you better not worry about chicken and fish bones!

Raw fish and eggs: These are also two foods that are very dangerous for dogs. Eating raw fish can lead to a lack of thiamine (vitamin B1) and thus reduce appetite, seizures and vomiting in your pet. On the other hand, although eating raw eggs is not fatal for dogs, some of these animals may have difficulty absorbing some of the vitamins in eggs, such as biotin. Lack of absorption of this vitamin can cause skin problems in dogs.

Onions: Onions are rich in a substance called thiosulfate, which has toxic effects on dogs. This substance is able to destroy red blood cells in dogs and thus cause anemia in them. So be careful with onions!

Grapes and raisins: These two months also contain dangerous compounds that can lead to kidney problems in dogs.

Chocolate: Although many people may not know it, chocolate is not good for dogs at all because it contains theobromine. The dog's body cannot fully metabolize this substance; Because of this, the substance remains in the animal's blood and causes a variety of problems, including heart disease, internal bleeding, diarrhea, hypertension and many other things.


Cat food: Cat food is also on the list of unhealthy foods for dogs. Although these foods are not poisonous to dogs, because they are high in protein, they can easily cause obesity in them.

Bread dough and pastries (doughs made with yeast dough, the middle action): This substance is known as one of the worst human foods for dogs. If you are baking bread or sweets at home and a piece of dough falls out of the dish, pick it up immediately and throw it away, because if your dog eats that piece of dough, it will cause gastrointestinal upset and severe bloating.

Alcohol: It is true that these are not food, but in any case, remember that pets should not be given alcohol under any circumstances. Aside from the risk of poisoning, alcohol can increase a dog's heart rate and cause fever or even death.
Well, these are the most important harmful foods for dogs and you should always be aware of these foods when preparing food for your dog.

But now that we are talking about feeding dogs, it is not bad to know a few short but very important points about ready meals (dry foods):

Animal fat: The use of animal fat in the preparation of ready meals increases spoilage and as a result reduces the quality of that food. So try to read on the food package and if animal fats are used in its ingredients, put it aside.

Protein source: The best and highest quality source of protein for dogs is meat. Other sources of protein such as plant proteins (rice protein, soy protein, corn gluten and wheat gluten) and meat by-products (such as blood powder, feather powder and animal viscera) are not good sources and should not be used. Of course, it is good to know that the liver and kidneys are the only parts of the animal's intestines that can be used as a quality source of protein. Also, when buying food, pay attention to what animal meat was used to prepare that food, because for some breeds of dogs, there may be restrictions on the use of certain types of meat.


Artificial preservatives: Try to avoid foods that contain artificial preservatives (whether human or dog).
Finally, I hope that by following the tips and recommendations that we reviewed in this article, you can prepare a healthy and delicious food for your beloved dog.

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