

9/28/2024 4:54:01 PM


Orders will be registered on normal days until 6 pm on the same day, otherwise they will be delivered the next day.

Will be considered.
Damage during transportation is the responsibility of the shipping company, however, for the welfare of the customer, it is followed by our pet shop. Delivery of purchased products is possible in person in special cases.

All orders are inspected by our pet shop before sending ; In case of defects in the goods or incorrect delivery of the order, the customer must notify the store of the discrepancy or defect within 24 hours.

Due to the limit ations of the goods available in the market, the priority is to deliver the goods with the orders that have been settled, and this group has no obligation to provide the inventory of the booked orders for which the cost has not been paid.

Obviously, in order for the goods to be returned, the basic conditions of the goods, such as seals and., Must be preserved and subject to our approval. Also, food orders and consumer items such as shipping boxes or collars can not be returned even if not used (they are not returnable in any way and this issue has nothing to do with customer orientation).