
Introducing proper pet food

9/28/2024 7:04:57 PM
12/25/2021 11:36:27 PM
Introducing proper pet food

Pet nutrition needs
Animals, like humans, need a healthy diet to live a healthy life. If you have a pet, it is necessary to prepare their proper food more carefully and obsessively and to avoid giving them poor quality food.

Pets need protein, healthy fats, omega-3s and probiotics. In addition, vegetables are a good choice for pets due to their high fiber content. Dogs and cats, for example, need more than 30 essential nutrients such as protein, amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.


In general, feeding pets, especially dogs and cats, can be done with the following ingredients:


Feed the pet with soy
Soy is the mainstay of many pet foods due to its increased protein and tissue preservation. In addition, using soy in a pet's diet instead of meat and eggs can be more economical in providing the animal with the protein it needs. Although most dogs can digest soy easily, some are unable to digest soy and experience problems such as bloating and indigestion.


Feed the pet with animal fat
Animal fat is the cheapest and of course the lowest quality fat that can be given to a pet. It is recommended to buy this type of fat from reputable Petshop stores.


BHT and BHA Add-ons
These are preservatives that are abundant in pet food. Of course, these substances can accumulate in the body of animals because pets, unlike humans, do not have an extensive diet and eat one type of food every day.


Feed pets with fillers
Corn and wheat are the most common fillers used in animal feed. This type of material is difficult for animals to digest and they do not get enough, so they have to use larger amounts of this material to get enough.



Proper pet food
When an animal lives in its natural environment, it receives essential nutrients such as omega-3s and essential fatty acids from natural foods. But when you bring an animal home, it's your job to provide it with the nutrients it needs. In the following, we will review the appropriate food for pets separately.


Proper dog food
If you have a dog in your home, you need to know what foods are needed to keep it healthy. Here is a list of useful foods for dogs:


Lamb, beef and chicken are good dog foods because of their high protein content. On the other hand, salmon, whitefish and cod meat are other good options for feeding a dog if they are well cooked and have no razor blades or bones. Fish oil contains omega-3, which is very useful and necessary for the growth and life of dogs. Eating other marine animals such as shrimp, crabs and lobsters in small amounts is quite beneficial for dogs. But be aware that raw shrimp are dangerous for dogs. Other meats include turkey, which is high in riboflavin and phosphorus protein, and kangaroo, which is a rich source of protein, zinc, thiamine, iron and vitamins B6 and B12, which are very good for dogs.


Bones and pens
Cooked beef pens prevent plaque from forming on the dog, and if you give your dog one or two beef pens a week, you will no longer need to scaling his teeth. Remember to never give small bones to your dog as it may injure and tear his throat.


Useful extracts
Chicken, meat and even vegetable juices can be good foods for dogs. You can prepare these extracts in advance, keep them in the freezer and take a piece of them out of the freezer whenever you need.


the vegetables
In addition to meat, vegetables are also necessary for the health of dogs. Carrots are one of the best vegetables that are rich in minerals, fiber and vitamins and are low in calories. Pumpkin is also rich in beta-carotene and fiber and is also useful for diarrhea and constipation in dogs. Broccoli also contains vitamins A and C, fiber, manganese and antioxidants, but if consumed in large quantities, the dog will have stomach problems. Dogs are satisfied with chewing celery and their breath is fragrant. Celery is also rich in potassium, manganese, vitamins A and C. Green peas as well as white and brown rice are good for feeding dogs.

Although some dogs do not have difficulty digesting dairy products, many are allergic to milk lactose and should consume lactose-free milk. Consumption of cream is not recommended at all due to high fat. But yogurt can be a good source of calcium.


Cereals and eggs
Legumes are high in vitamins and minerals. Eggs are also a good source of protein for dogs.


Fruits contain various vitamins and can also play a stimulating role for dogs. Dogs can try different fruits such as pineapple, strawberry, tangerine, watermelon, melon, pear, banana, kiwi, cucumber, mango and apple. Be sure to separate the kernels before feeding the dog the fruit.



Proper cat food
Commercial foods are available in both dried and canned form for cats, with precise formulations and a well-balanced nutritional value. But if you want to give only these types of foods to your cat, the cost of feeding him will be very high. In addition to providing your cat with the vitamins and proteins your cat needs, you can also save on maintenance costs by preparing homemade food.


Animal protein
Cats are mandatory carnivores and a large part of their diet is meat. Protein is a vital nutrient and contains amino acids needed to produce antibodies, enzymes and strengthen the cat's immune system. You can get animal protein for your cat through foods such as chicken, beef, turkey, as well as salmon, tuna and eggs. Of course, remember to never give raw eggs to your cat.


Useful fats and fatty acids
Useful fats include natural fats found in meat and fish, as well as essential fatty acids such as omega-3s and omega-6s. These fats provide the cat with the energy it needs and help it absorb vitamins A, D and E.


Carbohydrates are a ready source of energy, but they should not be a big part of a cat's diet, as they can cause obesity and weight gain. Wheat and rice, cereals, corn, peas, potatoes and some vegetables are rich sources of carbohydrates.


Minerals are essential for the health of cats and help in the formation of enzymes, the absorption of nutrients and the transfer of oxygen to the organs of cats.

Iron is a mineral needed by cats and is found in liver, meat, fish, whole grains and vegetables. Calcium also helps strengthen and strengthen cat bones. Dairy products, eggs, plants and vegetables are a perfect source of calcium. Magnesium is abundant in wheat, cereals, soybeans, milk and fish.


Vitamins play a key role in cats' diets. Vitamins A, D, B1, B2 and B6 are some of the vitamins that cats need.



Proper hamster food
The most important thing in feeding a domestic hamster is to pay attention to the fact that these creatures have the same nutrition as wild hamsters. In fact, domestic hamster food should be a combination of forage, grains, seeds and insects.

The main food of the domestic hamster is a combination of grains, pellets, fruits and fresh vegetables. Be aware that high consumption of fruits and vegetables in hamsters can cause diarrhea in these pets. Pieces of apples, carrots, cucumbers, pitted grapes, peaches, pears, spinach and broccoli are good foods for hamsters. Bananas can also play an encouraging role for hamsters. Be sure to remove the kernels before giving the fruit. Boiled eggs are another good food that hamsters can eat once a week. In addition to boiled eggs, spicy cooked meat and poultry can also provide the protein needed by these animals. Sunflower seed kernels also provide many nutrients to the hamster.

Be sure to give your hamster solid food once a week to keep his teeth healthy and sharp.



Proper parrot food
If you have a parrot in your home, it is good to know that using formulated food (pellets) alone will not meet all the needs of this bird. In fact, pellets make up the bulk of the bird's diet, and the remaining 40 to 50 percent must be supplied with fresh nutrients.


the vegetables
Vegetables with dark yellow or green leaves can be a good option for feeding parrots. Vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, parsley, eggplant, squash, yellow, green and red sweet peppers, green beans, lettuce, cucumbers and corn are good for feeding parrots.


Birds love fruit but should not overdo it. You can give various fruits such as mango, kiwi, berry, pomegranate, pineapple, peach, skinless cantaloupe, nectarine, apricot, banana, orange, cherry, pear, grape, apple and tangerine to your parrot. Of course, be sure to remove the apple kernel beforehand because it is poisonous and harmful to parrots.


Roasted brown rice, barley, wheat and pasta are good foods for parrots. Cooked beans such as beans, lentils and peas are also very useful supplements.


Germinated seeds
Germinated seeds are a rich source of nutrients and rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Most birds love sprouted seeds, and this is a great way to get the nutrients they need.


Vitamins and minerals
You do not need to add vitamins and minerals if you are on a formulated diet with fruits, seeds and vegetables.


You can get the protein your bird needs from a small amount of cooked chicken as well as boiled eggs.

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