
Pet food production formulations

9/28/2024 7:00:30 PM
12/25/2021 10:53:58 PM
Pet food production formulations

How to produce dog and cat food
Pet foods generally include meat, organic meats, vitamins, minerals, and grains. About 300 producers in the United States produce more than 7 million tons of animal feed each year, making it one of the largest packages of packaged food in the country. Pet owners can enjoy more than 3,000 different animal foods, including dry, canned and semi-wet, as well as snacks such as biscuits, candy, chocolate and other products. In the 1990s, the $ 8 billion industry supplied food to 52 million American dogs and 63 million American cats.



Canned non-dry dog ​​food
Non-dry pet food is divided into two categories: canned and semi-wet, which will be discussed below.



Canned pet food
Most dogs like canned or moist food. Canned food can have a long shelf life on the shelf and can be found in any pet supermarket. Foreign samples may be a little expensive, but Iranian samples are quite cheap and convenient. For some pet owners, dog nutrition is definitely worth the effort.

But you should be very careful in choosing the types of canned food for your dog. Each brand of canned food has a specific type of protein as the basis of its canned food, which can provide different proteins based on your pet's needs. In fact, one of the most important benefits of using canned dog food is that it provides the digestible protein that is right for your pet. If the protein that enters your dog's body in different ways along with the nutrients needed by your pet's body system is not very useful for him.

Also, most canned foods contain about 75% water. The more water in the can, the less nutrients it contains. Before buying the product, pay attention to the ingredients used in the product to buy the best and highest quality product for your pet.


Semi-humid pet food
A semi-moist food is one that is neither canned nor like dry food. Foods such as chocolate pork, burgers and other meat dishes are called semi-moist foods. These types of foods do not have much variety and include the fewest meals of your dog's food during the day. Semi-moist foods have a lot of flavor and color. They can be given to your dog as a treatment and occasionally, but should not be considered as a daily diet because they do not provide the nutrition that your pet needs.


Pet food contents
Canned pet food is protein based. As you know, dogs and cats are inherently carnivorous. Therefore, you can not give your pet meals that are based on vegetables. In general, the mainstay of canned dog food is chicken, beef, mutton, turkey, fish and other types of pet meat, which can be a rich source of protein for your pet.


What are canned pet food made of?
Meat is generally a good source of protein, essential fatty acids, iron and some B vitamins. They also enhance the taste of a product and make it more digestible. PFMA members use human food by-products that use slaughtered animals under veterinary supervision. These materials comply with very safe and quality standards in accordance with regulations. Members use only substances from species that are commonly accepted in the human food chain. Members use beef, mutton, chicken, pork, fish, rabbit and game ingredients.



Canned dog food

Fish is a good source of quality protein. Fish muscle contains iodine. Because most bones go to the ground when preparing fish, they are also a good source of calcium and phosphorus. Fatty fish meat contains vitamins A, D and omega-3. White fish and oily fish are both used in the pet food industry.


Dairy and eggs
Dairy products and eggs have high quality and digestible protein. Dairy products also provide calcium and a number of vitamins. Examples of dairy products used in pet foods include cheese and milk products.


the vegetables
Vegetables are a good source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Soy beans are commonly used as a source of protein and energy, fiber and omega-6, B vitamins and minerals.




Cereals provide an important source of energy, protein and other nutrients including thiamine and niacin. Although cats do not need an optimal diet for carbohydrates, they are an excellent source of energy in a digestible form. Good sources of carbohydrates in pet foods usually contain grains such as corn, rice, wheat, barley and sorghum. For example, certain fibers, such as fancy fibers such as beetroot paste or rice bran, can also have other beneficial effects on gastrointestinal health.


Fats and oils (animals and vegetables)
Fats and oils provide the source of energy and essential fatty acids. They are important for optimal health, including kidney function, reproduction and glossy coverage. There are two different types of essential fatty acids (EFAs) - omega 3 and 6. Some fats also provide a source of vitamins A, D, E and K.


How to prepare canned dog food?


Vitamin and mineral supplements
A dietary supplement of vitamins and minerals needs to be added to keep pets alive from daily food intake.


Sodium and chloride
Sodium is an essential nutrient and along with chloride is important for fluid balance in the body. Good sources of sodium in pet foods include meat, poultry, fish and eggs. Sodium may also be present in prepared pet food in salt form (sometimes on powdered ingredients as salt) to enhance the taste.


Mineral sugar
The term "various sugars" describes a group that may be known as turpentine (sugar cane sugar, commonly known as table sugar), called fructose and glucose, which are all natural products found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Some manufacturers may add sugar to animal feed as an energy source.

Dogs and cats can easily convert sugar into usable energy using digestion. Manufacturers may also add very small amounts of sugar to aid the cooking process. When the sugar is cooked next to the meat, it causes a browning of the meat and the production of natural sugars (just like those produced in one-day kebab cooking), this adds a pleasant color and charm. If sugar is in addition to being naturally present in the ingredients, it contains carefully controlled levels to ensure nutritional balance and taste.


Additives that can be used in pet foods include vitamins, flavorings, preservatives, antioxidants and dyes. Most of the additives used in pet food are also used in Iranian food. PFMA members use only permitted additives and only in the smallest possible amount.

Preservatives can be artificial or natural, but they both work to prevent spoilage of foods like ours. Therefore, it is necessary to have ways to prevent this deterioration and preserve high quality, nutritious and delicious food. Canned pet food is protected from spoilage by storing it in aerated containers, but dry foods, even with modern packaging, must contain preservatives to maintain food quality and safety.

Natural preservatives, tocopherols (vitamin E) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), are most commonly used in pet foods.


How to make canned dog food

Dietary antioxidants play an important role in the health and long-term health of cats. Some manufacturers may add biological antioxidants. Vitamins C, E and selenium are pet foods to help maintain good health and neutralize free radicals.

Any pet owner who is interested in learning more about the ingredients of an animal food product should look at the label on the packaging. Many of the additives available are shown here. The applicant can also contact the company directly using the name and contact information on the package to find out which additives are included. The ingredients presented above are the main ingredients of canned dog food.

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